I have only been stung by a bee 2 times in my life. I am always just living congruently with them, very rarely do we threaten each other. I have been working obsessively for my next show, 'Emancipating Boundaries', it is now the 11th hour and time has to be slowed down in order to complete the amount of work i have to do in 13 days. Interesting relations with honey bee's in the last 24hours. I lay on top of one in my living-room and it stung me reluctantly, because i was there for a second before i felt the stinger. I realized it was a bee and pulled the entire bee out of my arm hoping that it would not die if i kept the stinger in tact. I put it outside on a flower but when i checked the next morning it had died. I took this opportunity to do research of the significance of a honey bee in my life right now. The findings are interesting:
When Bee comes buzzing into your life:
If the Bee has shown up in your life, examine your own Productivity. Are you doing all you can to make your life more fertile? Are you busy enough? Are you making time to savor the honey of life and not becoming a workaholic?The Bee reminds us to make our lives productive while the sun shines and to enjoy the nectar of efforts. No matter how great the dream is, there is the promise of fulfillment if we pursue our Dreams.
If the Bee is your Animal Totem;
You have the ability to accomplish the impossible over and over again. You know how to enjoy the sweetness that life brings you and you understand the proper use of your own Energy. Your intentions are always focused on a clear path and goal in Life. You are also self-sufficient, very focused, a very hard worker, and you work best when they are working with others.If the Bee has come to you in your dreams:
To see Bees in your dream symbolizes wealth, good luck, harmony, creativity and bliss. Bees are also symbolic of hard work and industry as represented by the common phrase “busy as a Bee.” Your hard work will pay off in the end with sweet results. Alternatively, the dream represents the things that are happening in your life or something that is buzzing with Activity. Is there a lot going on in your life?In particular, to see the queen Bee in your dream refers to a dominant female in your Life.
To dream that you are stung by a Bee, indicates that you have been wronged. Maybe you have been hurt by some stinging remark.
The Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)
Organization of the colony. There are four species of Apis, the honey-bee, one of which is Apis mellifera, the Western honey-bee, which is the commonest hive-bee in this country. There are three kinds of bee in a colony: in the summer, a few hundred drones or males, one egg-laying female, or queen, and from 20 to 80 thousand sterile females or workers. The mature queen is usually easily recognized by her large abdomen.The Queen. A queen bee may live from two to five years and, except for a short period at the end of her life when one of her daughters takes over the colony, she is the only egg-laying female. All the members of the colony, whether drones or workers, are her offspring. She spends all her time laying eggs, perhaps up to 1500 a day, each one being placed in a wax cell made by the workers. The queen can feed herself but in the hive the nearest workers turn towards her, lick her body and feed her by regurgitating a special secretion of their salivary glands, called "royal jelly", on to their probosces from which the queen can absorb it.
The queen usually mates only once in her life (though second and third matings are known to happen) and stores the sperms received from the drone in a sperm sac in her abdomen. This store of sperms lasts her for the two or more years of egg-laying, a small quantity being released with each fertilized egg laid.
When the store of sperms is used up she may continue to lay eggs but they are all unfertilized and will become drones. By this time one of her daughters has been reared as a queen and is ready to take over the egg-laying.
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