Monday, March 9, 2015

My hardened yet flexible husband; the conductivity of the seduction

Physical Properties. Metals differ so widely in hardness, ductility (the potentiality of being drawn into wire), malleability, tensile strength, density, and melting point that a definite line of distinction between them and the nonmetals cannot be drawn. The hardest elemental metal is chromium; the softest, cesium.

In Haitian folklore my kind of personality would be considered the daughter of Erzuli

Erzulie Dantor

In her Petro nation aspect as Erzulie Dantor she is often depicted as a black woman, holding a child protectively in her arms. She is a particularly fierce protector of women and children. She is often identified with lesbian women.

A common syncretic depiction of Erzulie Dantor is St. Jeanne D'Arc, who is displayed carrying or supporting a sword. Another is as the Black Madonna of Częstochowa, as she is represented as being dark-skinned. Her colours are red, gold and navy blue. Her symbols are a pierced heart and knives or swords. Her favourite sacrifices include black pigs, griot (seasoned fried pork), and rum.

The scars on her cheek are said to be the result of a fight between her and Erzulie Freda over possession of Ti Jean Petro, as the two are fierce rivals. The cuts shown on her face in the syncretic reproductions are matches to the surface damage on the Black Madonna's face in the original icon.

The interesting part of that story in relation to me is that Erzuli is an element of Oya, another representation of a strong woman who loves hard and is not afraid to destroy that that does not work congruently with the flow of the universe. Oya was married to Oggun, representing metal, law and order, forest and seclusion.
I have always avoided Oggun types mainly because they are not seductive or interested in the romance and play that it takes to keep the attention of an Erzuli type. Lately I have found more and more attraction for this character in myself and so i decided to embrace the seclusion and the intensity of solitude and discipline so i added a (large) element of metal into my current project. I am spending hours and days and weeks twisting metal that will be worn as a costume in a performance piece.
The longer it takes, the closer Oggun gets to me and i can feel the artistic abandonment taking over. A complete submission to his energy. I am being pulled and twisted from my core. Any rigid nonflexible part of being will not survive this journey. I will be more adaptable and spiritually bound to the conductivity of my "husband", Metal Oggun.

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